Crowdsell is a social “sales” network that sells innovative products for the Crowdsell community members. The interaction between people interested in selling (crowdsellers) and companies (partners) is the main focus here. Crowdsell's unique selling proposition (USP) lies in its Challenges (competitions that allow any crowdseller to participate in various tasks and win special prizes or even money).
Crowdsell is a start-up so we had to ensure that its online presence properly represents their enterprise principles and core values. Our main task, though, was to create a trustworthy user-experience. By combining a minimalistic, yet modern design and an efficient-to-use user inferface we did just that! It's also tailored for mobile & tablet gadgets and has a fully integrated payment system. Features implemented and software development methods used: Javascript, Git, Agile, Wordpress.
Crowdsell is a social “sales” network that sells innovative products for the Crowdsell community members. The interaction between people interested in selling (crowdsellers) and companies (partners) is the main focus here. Crowdsell’s unique selling proposition (USP) lies in its Challenges (competitions that allow any crowdseller to participate in various tasks and win special prizes or even money)